What Josh Supports
Reduce the tax and regulation burden on Minnesotans to promote business and job expansion.
Never let lockdowns happen again.
Choice in Education = funding should follow your student
Your bottom line; fighting for your family starting with inflation and gas prices.
During my first term as state representative our family has been so blessed to serve you. Throughout the last two years there have been countless opportunities to carry the concerns and needs of the lakes area to Minneapolis. From your 2nd Amendment rights to further working to protect our lakes and rivers, I have fought to protect your rights and grow the most recreationally diverse county in the state.
While growing up in the Brainerd area our family struggled like so many others, building a business, finding health care, and at times even being able to afford groceries. Keri and I understand the challenges families face and recognize the vital role the state maintains and the cause and effect that provides those resources for public use.
Tax dollars don’t grow on trees, individuals and businesses have carried that burden time and time again to the breaking point. As your state representative, I have fought tooth and nail to find efficiencies in government and simplify the regulatory climate allowing the business you own or work for to thrive and individuals to keep more of what they earn.

About Josh
It’s easy to say I care or I understand but to actually have experienced so many of the same challenges my constituents have faced has been a tremendous blessing. Mom and Dad met at Camp Shamineau, Mom was a camp counselor and Dad managed the work crew. Together they dreamed of coming up north, growing their family and building log homes. In 1978, my folks left the security of Dad’s Union carpentry job and moved from Bloomington to Motley to live that dream. The transition happened while I was only a year old so country living is the life I understand. I attended middle school at Motley Staples Elementary and after moving to the Brainerd area in 1991, I was able to learn the family business while earning my AA degree in business management at Central Lakes College during my Junior and Senior year.
Keri’s family was on a similar path that would ultimately end in Brainerd but at the opposite end of the state. International Falls was home and her dad was a Millwright, the Bemidji plant was the next stop followed by Trus-joist McMillan in Deerwood. Keri was my sister’s friend and we were introduced to each other at the Sonshine Christian Music Festival in Willmar 1998, all that year we dated and returned to Sunshine the following year to finish out our honeymoon. Well, my sister and I haven’t always been the best of friends, but I will be forever in her debt for bringing along the love of my life and the most beautiful woman I’ve ever met. With the recent addition of Troy during the 2016 session, our six children are the greatest blessing I could have ever hoped for and have certainly inspired us to work towards a great future here in Minnesota.
- Lifelong Minnesota resident
- Married 23 years to Keri, 6 children
- Co-owner with Keri of Up Country Log, a family run tree service and excavator business
- Pro-life and pro-traditional marriage
- Pro 2nd Amendment
- Member of the NRA
- Member of the Brainerd Lakes Area Chamber of Commerce
- Former Manager, Thirty Lakes Watershed District
- Past Chair of the Crow Wing County Human Rights Commission
- Past Chair of the Crow Wing County Republican Party
- Hobbies include archery, rifle hunting, motorcycle riding and 4-wheeling
Contact the Campaign
Have a question or comment? Want to know how you can help? Contact us today or fill out the form! We’ll get back to you promptly.
Mailing Address:
Committee to Elect Josh Heintzeman
P.O. Box 33
Merrifield, MN 56465
Connect with Josh: